Geförderte Projekte: Apparate, Software, Daten (Auswahl) Glow discharge apparatus for high quality and reproducible cryo-electron microscopy specimen preparation by Karin Janz Apparate, Software, Daten Microclimate Buffering within Alpine Landscapes by Karin Janz Apparate, Software, Daten A hand-held porometer for high-throughput phenotyping of plant-atmosphere gas exchange in grasses by Karin Janz Apparate, Software, Daten Tracking chicks to understand individual movement phenotypes and their corresponding welfare outcomes by Karin Janz Apparate, Software, Daten Evaluation of the parasympathetic tone activity (PTA)™ index as biomarker of nociception in pigs by Karin Janz Apparate, Software, Daten Reflection Microscope for characterization of collective mucociliary activity by Karin Janz Apparate, Software, Daten Development of an in vitro translation-based screening system to identify mRNA translation inhibitors by Karin Janz Apparate, Software, Daten Using big data for the analysis of cellular translational control by Karin Janz Apparate, Software, Daten Robustness and Individuality in Organ Growth Control of C. elegans by Karin Janz Apparate, Software, Daten Cardiac channelosomes: focus on the sodium channel Nav1.5 by Karin Janz Apparate, Software, Daten Production of translation-competent human cell lysates using dual centrifugation by Karin Janz Apparate, Software, Daten Refining quantitative sensory testing methods to assess chronic joint pain in horses by Karin Janz Apparate, Software, Daten Brain in the dish: neurodevelopmental effect of radiofrequency electromagnetic fields (RF-EMF) (5G) by Karin Janz Apparate, Software, Daten «Sauerstoffplasmareaktor zur Herstellung von Organs-on-Chip» by Karin Janz Apparate, Software, Daten «All-rounder Ti2 Eclipse for investigating climate change effects on plants and soil microorganisms» by Karin Janz Apparate, Software, Daten «A vascular flow simulator for optical continuous blood glucose monitoring» by Karin Janz Apparate, Software, Daten «Creative decision-making in young sports athletes: Towards a natural interactivity in Virtual Reality» by Karin Janz Apparate, Software, Daten «Hypoxia in a box – studying cell damage in kidney disease» by Karin Janz Apparate, Software, Daten «Identifikation von neuen Tumormarkern von Prostata- und Blasenkrebs mittels Künstlicher Intelligenz (AI) basierter pathologischer Gewebeuntersuchung» by Karin Janz Apparate, Software, Daten «Virus discovery in dogs with neurological disease and viral encephalitis of unresolved etiology by high-throughput sequencing based metagenomics» by Karin Janz Apparate, Software, Daten «Untersuchung von 3D Krebsmodellen» by Karin Janz Apparate, Software, Daten «Precision cut lung slices» by Karin Janz Apparate, Software, Daten «Regulierung des purinergen Signalwegs für die T-Zell-Funktion in der Infektion» by Karin Janz Apparate, Software, Daten «Förderung der Honigbienengesundheit durch die Fütterung von Supplementen» by Karin Janz Apparate, Software, Daten
Glow discharge apparatus for high quality and reproducible cryo-electron microscopy specimen preparation by Karin Janz Apparate, Software, Daten
A hand-held porometer for high-throughput phenotyping of plant-atmosphere gas exchange in grasses by Karin Janz Apparate, Software, Daten
Tracking chicks to understand individual movement phenotypes and their corresponding welfare outcomes by Karin Janz Apparate, Software, Daten
Evaluation of the parasympathetic tone activity (PTA)™ index as biomarker of nociception in pigs by Karin Janz Apparate, Software, Daten
Reflection Microscope for characterization of collective mucociliary activity by Karin Janz Apparate, Software, Daten
Development of an in vitro translation-based screening system to identify mRNA translation inhibitors by Karin Janz Apparate, Software, Daten
Using big data for the analysis of cellular translational control by Karin Janz Apparate, Software, Daten
Robustness and Individuality in Organ Growth Control of C. elegans by Karin Janz Apparate, Software, Daten
Production of translation-competent human cell lysates using dual centrifugation by Karin Janz Apparate, Software, Daten
Refining quantitative sensory testing methods to assess chronic joint pain in horses by Karin Janz Apparate, Software, Daten
Brain in the dish: neurodevelopmental effect of radiofrequency electromagnetic fields (RF-EMF) (5G) by Karin Janz Apparate, Software, Daten
«All-rounder Ti2 Eclipse for investigating climate change effects on plants and soil microorganisms» by Karin Janz Apparate, Software, Daten
«A vascular flow simulator for optical continuous blood glucose monitoring» by Karin Janz Apparate, Software, Daten
«Creative decision-making in young sports athletes: Towards a natural interactivity in Virtual Reality» by Karin Janz Apparate, Software, Daten
«Identifikation von neuen Tumormarkern von Prostata- und Blasenkrebs mittels Künstlicher Intelligenz (AI) basierter pathologischer Gewebeuntersuchung» by Karin Janz Apparate, Software, Daten
«Virus discovery in dogs with neurological disease and viral encephalitis of unresolved etiology by high-throughput sequencing based metagenomics» by Karin Janz Apparate, Software, Daten
«Regulierung des purinergen Signalwegs für die T-Zell-Funktion in der Infektion» by Karin Janz Apparate, Software, Daten
«Förderung der Honigbienengesundheit durch die Fütterung von Supplementen» by Karin Janz Apparate, Software, Daten